May 2023 – There’s a Plan for That

Luke 24: 17 …They stood still, their faces downcast.  “…but we had hoped that [Jesus] was the one who was going to redeem Israel.”

John 14:29 I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe. 

Several years ago, as Apple’s iPhone began to rise in popularity, they created an ad campaign with the catchphrase, “There’s an app for that.”  The phrase was used to promote the fact that for almost any function you could imagine, an app exists to accomplish what you need. It has proved true as phones are used for much more than communication.  We use apps for everything from listening to music to navigation to logging nutrition to sending cash…and the list goes on. 

Likewise, God wants us to know that for every situation we face, there’s a plan for that.  Are you facing something for which it looks like there is no solution?  Do you look at the circumstances of the world and feel a sense of hopelessness?  While it may appear that there’s only chaos and no plan, God has demonstrated over and over that He has a plan, even for “that.”   

In Luke 24, the disciples are in a state of hopelessness and disappointment.  They had followed Jesus, put their trust in Him as the savior, then watched as their Hope was hung on a cross and crucified.  It seemed like the end of everything they believed in.  But Jesus told them in advance they would face these troubles.  Yet, it’s hard to hold on to what you’ve been told when your heart is breaking over your current circumstances.  In this passage, Jesus has risen and begins to walk with a couple of disciples as they travel to the neighboring town, Emmaus.   They do not immediately recognize His presence, but He explains to them how everything that happened was in perfect alignment with His plans.  Eventually, they feel a burning in their hearts, and they recognize His presence. 

Though life may perplex us, God’s ability to predict and have a plan for our needs is far superior to technology’s ability to create apps.  Despite circumstances beyond our ability to have a solution, God still has a plan.  He helps us in the moment, by walking with us and giving comfort and strength.  He gives us brand new mercies each morning that help us keep going.  He gives us wisdom and guidance and practical help.  He gives us hope beyond painful seasons and victories beyond what we could imagine.  Finally, He is taking us to a good place where He will wipe away every tear and there will be no more death (Revelation 21:4).  He will prove that He’s always had a plan for that –  and His plan is victory! 

Questions for Reflection

  • What is the biggest challenge you are facing in this season?
  • What challenges has God helped you overcome in the past? 
  • What truth or promise do you need to remember regarding your current challenge?   
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